Charlie Munger, Carl Icahn, Venture Capital, Valuable Razors, The "Hawkish" Fed, Guaranteed Misery, Washington's Farewell Address
"I suspect that Warren Buffett is not happy about the leak."
As it turns out, Warren Buffett was the source:
It turns out that Warren Buffett was the source:
Wow, that's a surprise! I'm going to update the article, Thanks!
Indeed! I had the same reaction you did when I read the WSJ article citing "a person familiar with the matter." So I was very interested to see that it was WEB himself. That must have been a surprise for the reporter to receive that call.
Definitely a relief that there isn't any unauthorized leaking going on.
"I suspect that Warren Buffett is not happy about the leak."
As it turns out, Warren Buffett was the source:
"I suspect that Warren Buffett is not happy about the leak."
It turns out that Warren Buffett was the source:
Wow, that's a surprise! I'm going to update the article, Thanks!
Indeed! I had the same reaction you did when I read the WSJ article citing "a person familiar with the matter." So I was very interested to see that it was WEB himself. That must have been a surprise for the reporter to receive that call.
Definitely a relief that there isn't any unauthorized leaking going on.