Seems the majority fall for the monthly payments illusion and not consider the actual final price with costs. Amazing those who will over leverage with little to no down payment because the monthly payment seems cheap

It reminds me of a time someone said they got a great deal on car finance paying xxx a month, when I asked the final price for the car they didn’t seem to know!

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Blankfein brings up an interesting "counterattack" idea which is basically out of the Robert E. Lee strategy (now taught at West Point) playbook. A small strike force that penetrates an opponent who thinks they are only on offense. That being said, it's not what I would do at all. I would use the "switchblade" kamakazi bomb drones (supplied by the US) and eliminate as many Russian leaders as possible. Look for vehicles, tents and structures with lots of antenna's and satellite dishes; then kamakazi them with the switchback drones.https://youtu.be/h5TTaNpQuWI

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