if you love the wrong thing and don't even know why is the issue. if you love a company or manager who espouses business genius or intelligence and you recognize that it is important and subtley unique in knowing it represents high odds of success it's fine to love it. but be aware if that behavior turns and you might have loved a wolf in sheep's clothing

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"... the reality is that ignoring faults is one of the hallmarks of love and why love can be “blind”."

True. And there's a subtlety even in that?

If I recall correctly, while noting my memory's quite hazy here, Helen Fisher, who has long studied the physiology of human (as contrasted with investment/company) love – down to the hormonal and brain scan level – confirmed that sometimes people in love are truly "blind" to a love interest's character flaws or problematic behavior. That is, they in fact ignore them.

But sometimes they also do recognize – and can even accurately describe to an interviewer – at least some of those issues. Yet in the grip of love they still find ways to minimize or rationalize them.

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To whatever extent the ways we fall into and out of love with investments might parallel, however abstractly and partially, the ways we do that with other people, the physiological aspects of the latter might be helpful in better understanding at least some investing behaviors, as well.

This book chapter summarizes some key insights about the "in love" experience as it relates to people:


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